monocyte's blog

crash course in rss feeds

are you are sick and tired of social media and it's algorithms only showing the content they think you want to see? do you want to take content consumption back into your hands? well i have a perfect tool for your needs: rss feeds.


well without getting needlesly technical you copy a link from a website you want to follow and paste it to your rss reader app and voila you now can read whatever they post without leaving the comfort of your app. the link is usually indicated by this icon:

rss icon

some rss readers have the ability to search for rss feeds from the website you provided as well.

you are not even locked to the app you started with. almost all apps let you export and import the feeds you follow. so you can switch apps to your hearts content.

but where do i start?

firstly you need an rss reader. depending on your platform i can recommend these

you also need something to populate that rss reader so here is a list of rss feeds. feel free to follow the ones that seem interesting. to follow them just copy the link at (feed) and paste it to your rss reader.







you can also find more comic feeds at



short stories

video games



if you speak turkish here are some feeds that you might find interesting

additional notes

some sites only provide a short summary of their posts in the rss feed. but fear not, most feed readers have a little button that can scrape the content from the webpage and you can even set it as the default for that feed.

you may encounter sites that don't offer an rss feed. you still have options though. if they offer a newsletter kill that newsletter! alternatively you can try services like rss bridge or rss anything.

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