monocyte's blog

what i've been reading

hey! i haven't posted for a while now. i wanted to talk about more manga but couldn't justify making a whole post dedicated to one series. so here is a post where i talk about a couple of them briefly. this one will be less edited and more chaotic than usual so enjoy!

cigarette and cherry

cigarette and cherry

i know i know, the last manga i reviewed also had a smoking theme and was a romance manga. the similarities were actually how i found this one.

it has a simple plot of a student enrolling to a university and trying to find a girlfriend but you slowly get invested in the characters and enjoy their banter. most of the story is centered around a cafe and gives me a sort of friends vibe. i enjoyed my time with it, i think it's worth checking out.

the fable

the fable

the deadliest assassin of japan gets an order from his boss forbidding him from killing anyone for a year. that's the premise.

the humour makes this manga. you see our main guy, satou, trying to blend into society and failing spectacularly. he has a childlike demeanour, one you wouldn't expect from an assassin. don't be fooled though he still kicks ass. for example there is one scene where he calculates and takes punches in just the right way to break the agressors fingers and pretends that it hurt by screaming. it's great.

satou fake screams

i highly recommend this series. beware though, despite the comedy it can get pretty dark.

call of the night

call of the night

this manga is about a student named kou yamori trying to become a vampire. in order to do that he needs to fall in love with the vampire who sucked his blood, nazuna. along the journey he questions things like what is love?, how does one fall in love?, the nature of relationships etc.

i have to say i read this while it was airing and i did not like it's finale. it left a lot to be desired and did not tie any of the loose ends i hoped it would. there is also a an issue with age gaps, kou is 14 years old while nazuna is an adult. honestly i don't get why they did this considering the school could very well be a university and it wouldn't really effect the story.

despite all these i read it solely because of it's vibe. i think it can still be an enjoyable read if you can get past the things i've talked about.

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